• Family & Pet Friendly !
  • Educational Vendors - Gettysburg Green Gathering
  • Joseph Breighner,with Gettysburg Green Gathering presents John Kiehl, vice president of the Land Conservancy of Adams County with a check for $500.00 from last years event. Ellen Dayhoff of the Land Conservancy of Adams County events committee is also pictured. — with Joseph Breighner and Ellen Dayhoff.
  • Gettysburg Green Festival - featuring local green oriented vendors.
  • Regional favorite band Blackhand playing 2013 Gettysburg Green Gathering
Adams County Glass Recycling Program!

The Adams County Glass Recycling Collection Site at 230 Greenamyer Lane, Straban Township is open for glass drop-off.

Drop off is held on the first Saturday of the month 9-12pm. When you recycle your glass, you help keep glass out of the landfill and save precious raw materials and energy used in the glass manufacturing process. All glass collected is transported to western PA for processing (separating labels and lids and sorting by color using optical scanners) and then onto the glass bottle factory. Once glass is picked up from the collection site, it’s possible that glass will be recycled and back on store shelves as new bottles in a month or two!

The Gettysburg Green Gathering manages the glass recycling program is always looking for volunteers to help out! If you are interested please contact us at: gettysburggreengathering@gmail.com

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“501(c)3 Disclaimer”
Gettysburg Green Gathering is a not for profit, charitable organization formed under Section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations to Gettysburg Green Gathering are tax-deductible as charitable contributions for US federal income tax purposes. There are no donation limits or restrictions on contributions to Gettysburg Green Gathering.