Gettysburg Green Gathering is proud to present Environmental educators/vendors for the 2019 Gettysburg Green Gathering. The following educators will be presenting at this years gathering:
2019 Educators include:
Land Conservancy
Adams Co. Master Gardeners
AC Arts Council – Recycled Art
Strawberry Hill
South Mountain Audubon Society
Watershed Alliance of Adams County
Gleaning Project / SCCAP
Gettysburg Nature Alliance
Gettysburg Borough Recycling
The Monarch Alliance
Gettysburg Rising
Citizens Climate Lobby
Green Gettysburg
Healthy Adams Bicycle/Pedestrian Inc.
Historic Gettysburg Adams County
Native Plant Apparel, LLC
Zimmerman’s Azalea Gardens & Landscaping / Gettysbyrd Houses
Gettysburg Dog Walker
Gettysburg Stove & Solar
doTerra Essential Oils
Maggie’s Farm Gettysburg
Espoma Organic Fertilizer/Milorganite
Tom Rooney (Artist)
Young Living Essential Oils
Zachary Keller (Bee Products)
AgChoice Farm Credit
Bartlett Tree Experts