On Saturday, October 21, the Massachusetts environmentalist and abolitionist and author of Walden—as interpreted by living history presenter Brent Ranalli—will be speaking at the Gettysburg Rec Park as the Adams County Farmers Market concludes its 2023 season.  The program is sponsored by the Gettysburg Green Gathering and will take place in the Charlie Sterner Building from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.

“Thoreau died at the age of 46 of tuberculosis in 1862,” Zimmerman continued, “but was a passionate abolitionist and defender of John Brown in the period running up to the Civil war and likely shared many interests with Thaddeus Stevens, an important historical figure with many local connections here in Gettysburg. We’re hoping some Thaddeus Steven fans will also be interested in Thoreau.”

Register to attend the event here:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/henry-david-thoreau-is-coming-to-town-tickets-705565845437?aff=oddtdtcreator